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Brenham National Bank. Our people. Our service. Our best.
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Home Construction Loans

Primary or Second Home

Build on your lot or acreage
Are you ready to begin construction of your new home? Let Brenham National Bank help you by providing financing for your project. Our construction loans feature:

  • Low fixed rate
  • Interest only payments
  • Low down payment requirement
  • Quick approval and closing
  • Easy draw process
To speak to one of our skilled loan officer staff:

In Brenham or Chappell Hill, contact:

Amy Ehlert (NMLS ID #741012)

Tres Masser mugshotTres Masser (NMLS ID #767682)


William Grote head shotWilliam Grote (NMLS ID #899777)

In College Station, contact:

Nathan Van Noord mugshotNathan VanNoord (NMLS ID #643222)

Graham Sweatt (NMLS ID #2416512)

In Montgomery, contact:
Cameron Comire (NMLS ID #1601012)